Shape research for behaviour

With the Diagnose Toolkit

Diagnose Toolkit £199.99

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What’s included?
✓ 4 Phase Facilitation Guide

✓ 25 Behaviour Research Patterns

✓ Behavioural Research Planner Template

✓ Process to write behavioural research questions

This toolkit simplifies understanding people’s behaviour when you are planning and doing research. It helps your team see the bigger picture, capture thoughts anchored in key drivers of behaviour, decide which behaviour causing issues need your attention first, and guides you in writing your behavioural research questions.

What is it

Dig into behaviour

Deepen your understanding of behaviour in your research, discussions and projects by exploring drivers. The Behavioural Research Planner isn't just about seeing behaviour; it's about understanding the 'whys'. It peels back layers, revealing the drivers and patterns that shape actions.

Turn insights into a plan

The traffic light system brings clarity, helping you focus on what's pivotal now. It's not just about collecting insights; it's about making them work for your project.

Hypothesis that hit the mark

The Behavioural Research Planner goes a step further. It challenges your assumptions and helps you create hypotheses and behavioural research questions that are deeply anchored in behavioural understanding.

It's a brainstorming and insights partner that pushes you to think beyond the conventional, ensuring your design decisions respond to what is actually happening.

Having a tool to understand behaviour is vital to:

Map Patterns

Map out user behaviours using the Driver Exploration tool to visualise patterns and trends, guiding strategic design decisions.

Craft Questions

Use Behaviour Research Patterns to formulate targeted research questions that dig deep into user motivations and barriers.

Prioritisation Insight

Apply the traffic light system to categorise research findings, focusing efforts on the most impactful insights.

Streamline Writing Hypotheses

Leverage the tools structure to efficiently generate hypotheses about user behaviour, speeding up the research and design process.

Enhance Empathy

Use BPR to deeply understand user emotions and motivations, fostering empathy and creating more user-centric designs.

Be More Ethical

Behavioural ripples are often unseen… until it’s too late. Use BPR to identify potential ethical considerations in behavioural influence, ensuring responsible and respectful design choices.

Enrich Persona Development

Apply insights from Behaviour Research Planner to add depth to user personas, incorporating detailed behavioural drivers for more realistic and useful profiles.

Inform Strategies

Use key insights to create strategies and solutions that relate to key drivers of behaviour.

About the Diagnose Toolkit

What’s included

  • 4 Phase Facilitation Guide

  • 25 Behaviour Research Patterns

  • Behavioural Research Planner Template

  • Guided process to help you understand people and write behavioural research questions.

Toolkit Specs

  • Compatible with Google Sheets.

  • Online access to the facilitation guide.

  • Self-paced lessons on new concepts.

  • For design, business and change teams.

  • Use during the research and discovery phase of your project.

Get The Diagnose Toolkit

Diagnose Toolkit


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What’s included?
✓ 4 Phase Facilitation Guide

✓ 25 Behaviour Research Patterns

✓ Behavioural Research Planner Template

✓ Process to write behavioural research questions