The Power of Beginning

In the journey of behavioural change, the 'Start' approach is all about that critical first step. It's where change begins. This step might seem small, but it's the foundation upon which new habits are built.

Identifying the First Action

The key to a successful 'Start' is identifying an action that's easy and compelling enough to break inertia. It's about choosing something so simple that it can be done without much effort, yet impactful enough to set the stage for further change.

Simple Actions, Big Impact

What makes 'Start' unique is its focus on simplicity. It could be placing a fruit bowl in a visible spot to encourage healthy snacking or setting running shoes by the door to prompt a morning jog. These are small actions, but they pave the way for bigger changes.

When to Use 'Start'

Use 'Start' when you're introducing a completely new behaviour. It's perfect for when there's no existing habit to modify or shift. The 'Start' approach is about crafting that initial step which doesn't rely on changing or adjusting existing behaviours, but rather introduces something entirely new.

The First Step is Just the Beginning

Remember, 'Start' is just the beginning. It's about taking that first leap. Once this initial action becomes a part of the routine, it sets the momentum for more comprehensive behavioural changes. It’s about getting the ball rolling and watching the journey of change unfold from there.