Adaptive Plays
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Adaptive Plays
is included with 56 Influence Tactics
Adaptive Plays
Personalise and adapt as you go based on what people want, need, and love.
What is it:
There's nothing more frustrating than a one-size-fits-all experience. They make us feel like companies don’t fully understand us. The Adaptive Plays pattern solves this problem by creating custom interactions that cater to people’s specific wants, needs, and background. This personalised approach offers timely assistance that adapts and reacts to your journey, making your experience engaging and memorable. You won't have to waste time building skills or providing upfront information - instead, you'll receive tailored support that helps you achieve your goals.
When to use it best:
How to use it:
What’s the science behind it?
The theory is centred on the belief that people have inherent psychological needs, specifically: competence, autonomy, and relatedness. SDT posits that when these needs are satisfied, individuals experience optimal growth, well-being, and motivation. The theory also distinguishes between intrinsic motivation (engaging in an activity for inherent satisfaction) and extrinsic motivation (engaging in an activity for external rewards or to avoid negative consequences).
The Adaptive Plays pattern aligns with SDT by providing personalised experiences that cater to individuals' competence, autonomy, and relatedness needs. By adapting to users' specific wants and needs, the pattern facilitates intrinsic motivation and enhances engagement and retention.
The Transtheoretical Model (TTM), developed by Prochaska and DiClemente, outlines stages of behaviour change, ranging from precontemplation to maintenance. The model recognises that individuals move through these stages at different rates and that tailored interventions are most effective when matched to their current stage of change.
Adaptive Plays can be informed by TTM by delivering personalised interactions that cater to individuals' specific stage of behaviour change. By providing the right type of support and information at the appropriate time, Adaptive Plays facilitates a smoother transition between stages and enhances the likelihood of sustainable behaviour change.
Personalisation is central to the Elaboration Likelihood Model (ELM) of persuasion. ELM posits that people process persuasive messages in two different ways: the central route (careful, logical analysis) and the peripheral route (simple cues, such as attractiveness or credibility). Personalisation is a key peripheral cue, making messages more relatable and emotionally resonant, thus increasing persuasion.
Personalisation through Adaptive Plays informs makes messages more appealing, capturing attention, and promoting a sense of connection. People are more likely to engage with content and be influenced by it when they can relate to it on a personal level.
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Lauren Alys Kelly is the founder of Alterkind, overseeing the behavioural design, tool development, training and research. They publish tools like BehaviourKit.